Project’s 2nd Newsletter
January 2017

Project’s 2nd Newsletter
January 2017
Two experts of the CARE WP5 team of the Italian Institute of
On November 29th 2016, the International ESCAIDE (European Scientific Conference
The last training in the framework of WP7 in Greece, was carried out in Athens
A training seminar under the title “Health and Migration: the transcultural approach” was held in Catania
As part of the CARE project and in particular Work Package 7 (Cross-cutting activities), the
During November 2016, training sessions, which are part of WP7’s objective to empower health
In Greece, as part of Work Package 7, the third training was carried out on
The second training, conducted as part of Work Package 7 in Greece
In Greece, the first training was carried out on the 7th and 8th of November 2016