“Sharing experiences on syndromic surveillance in migrant facilities in Europe” meeting

On November 29th 2016, the International ESCAIDE (European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology) conference took place in Stockholm, Sweden. ESCAIDE is the leading conference in Europe on infectious disease epidemiology. This year more than 600 participants from 55 countries gathered in Stockholm.

The meeting with the title “Sharing experiences on syndromic surveillance in migrant facilities in Europe” , organized as a side session to the ESCAIDE conference, was an opportunity in order to present to a wider audience the CARE project’s syndromic surveillance platform and relevant procedures, developed and piloted/simulated under the guidance of the Italian Institute of Health (ISS) in Rome. Around thirty experts met to share experiences and practices on syndromic surveillance in migrant holding facilities. In addition, following the presentation, a fruitful discussion was carried out concerning the syndromic surveillance.

Participants included representatives of Greece, Italy, Austria, Germany, Norway, Finland, Belgium and France, as well as a delegate from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

Conference Program

ESCAIDE conference, November 2016

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