Training addressed to Greek health and non-health professionals.

The last training in the framework of WP7 in Greece, was carried out in Athens, on the 12th and the 13th of December 2016 at the National School of Public Health. The target group included mainly health professionals and law enforcement officers. Although, it was decided not to exceed 30 participants in total, the demand for participation from the police, especially from the units involved with migration, was very high. Thus, 52 participants signed up. It was one of the largest group involved into training activities of WP7 in Greece and the organizers made all the necessary arrangements in order ensure that all registered participants can attend the sessions.   In fact, the police officers, underlined that the training will “help them in their everyday contact with migrants”.

At the end of the training seminar, 42 evaluation sheets were completed and most of the attendees declared overall completely satisfied with the training provided. The topics that the participants liked the most were trafficking, myths about tuberculosis and migration and mental health.

Training Program

Training seminar in Athens – Greece, December 2016

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